The History of Electric Cars: From 1830 to Today – An Electrifying Journey

Electric vehicles made their debut well ahead of traditional gasoline-powered cars, and the history of electric cars is filled with pioneering innovations in the realm of four-wheeled transportation.

Our journey begins in the 1830s, with the work of two Scots: Robert Anderson and Robert Davidson. Anderson created a motorized carriage between 1832 and 1839, though it relied on non-rechargeable batteries, making it more of a novelty than a practical mode of transportation at the time. Meanwhile, Davidson constructed a prototype electric locomotive in 1837. In 1841, he demonstrated an improved version that could travel 1.5 miles at 4 mph while pulling six tons. However, it required fresh batteries after this impressive feat. Interestingly, railway workers, fearing the impact on their jobs maintaining steam engines, destroyed Davidson’s invention, named “Galvani.”

The breakthrough came in 1859 with the development of rechargeable batteries, paving the way for the electric car’s feasibility. Around 1884, inventor Thomas Parker contributed to the deployment of electric-powered trams and crafted prototype electric cars in England. By 1890, a Scottish-born chemist residing in Des Moines, Iowa, William Morrison, filed a patent for his electric carriage, which he likely built as early as 1887. This vehicle made its public appearance in a city parade in 1888, as reported by the Des Moines Register. Featuring front-wheel drive, 4 horsepower, and a claimed top speed of 20 mph, it relied on 24 battery cells that needed recharging every 50 miles. Morrison’s self-propelled carriage garnered attention at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, also known as the World’s Columbian Exhibition. While Morrison was primarily focused on battery technology, his creation ignited the imaginations of fellow inventors.

Electrobat!” What a captivating name, isn’t it? This moniker belongs to the very first commercially viable electric vehicle (EV) endeavor. Two Philadelphians, Pedro Salom and Henry G. Morris, drew inspiration from the technology used in battery-electric streetcars and boats. Their efforts led to the granting of a patent in 1894. Initially, their creation was bulky and slow, reminiscent of a trolley car, equipped with steel “tires” and a weighty 1600 pounds of batteries. This pioneering vehicle, known as the Electrobat (pictured on the left), underwent several transformations. By 1896, it boasted pneumatic tires and lighter materials. With two 1.1-kW motors, it could cover 25 miles at a top speed of 20 mph. In an intriguing turn of events, Electrobats, along with another electric car designed by Riker, outperformed gasoline-powered Duryea automobiles in a series of five-mile sprint races in 1896.

In that very year, Morris and Salom incorporated their venture and entered the prosperous phase of a successful startup. They introduced electric Hansom cabs (pictured in the upper right) to challenge the horse-drawn vehicles then prevalent in New York. Subsequently, they sold this concept to Isaac L. Rice, who established the Electric Vehicle Company (EVC) in New Jersey. Rice, in turn, attracted significant investments and partners. By the early 1900s, EVC was operating more than 600 electric cabs in New York, with smaller fleets in cities like Boston and Baltimore. To address the downtime required for battery recharging, they ingeniously converted an ice arena into a battery-swapping station. Here, a cab could enter, have its depleted batteries replaced with fully charged ones, and promptly continue its service. This approach was brilliant, but, like many startups, EVC expanded rapidly and encountered unforeseen conflicts among investors and partners. Consequently, the entire taxi venture had collapsed by 1907.

EVC’s battery supplier, which also held a stake in the company, evolved into the well-known Exide we recognize today. Their manufacturing partner, Pope, who was also a pioneer in gasoline cars, adopted the technology and gave birth to a line of vehicles for public sale. These cars, bearing the name “Columbia” (pictured at the bottom right), reached the impressive milestone of 1000 units produced long before visionary mass-manufacturers in Detroit, such as Ransom Olds and Henry Ford, hit their stride.

Electric cars demonstrated their prowess in the early days of motorsports. Camille Jenatzy, a Belgian known for building electric carriages near Paris, engaged in several high-speed feats to showcase his company’s engineering expertise. The most remarkable of these endeavors occurred in the spring of 1899. Behind the wheel of his racing marvel, known as “La Jamais Contente” or “the Never Satisfied,” he achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first person to shatter both the 100-km/h and 60-mph speed barriers.

La Jamais Contente was a sleek, torpedo-shaped machine powered by a pair of direct-drive 25-kW motors. These motors operated at 200 volts and drew 124 amps each, delivering approximately 67 horsepower in total. The vehicle was constructed from a lightweight aluminum alloy known as partinium. La Jamais Contente relied on Michelin tires for its impressive performance. Interestingly, Michelin created a replica of this historic vehicle in 1994, which served as a symbolic figurehead for the company’s Challenge Bibendum series of sustainable mobility rallies held from 2004 to 2014.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries were a hotbed of automotive innovations worldwide. During this era, automobiles were still a niche market, primarily enjoyed by the affluent. Steam power dominated the scene, while electric cars and gasoline-powered vehicles were emerging as competitors. Interestingly, some of the brand names that we recognize today experimented with electric vehicles during this period.

Ransom Eli Olds, known for his contributions to the automotive industry, initially produced a limited number of electric horseless carriages. However, he later went on to create the first mass-market Oldsmobile cars, and the sole known surviving Oldsmobile electric vehicle can be found in a museum in Lansing, Michigan, where Oldsmobile eventually established itself after a fire in Mr. Olds’s Detroit factory. Although he didn’t manufacture electric cars in Lansing, General Motors, which would emerge nearly 100 years later, would carry the torch.

Another noteworthy historical artifact is the Egger-Lohner C.2 Phaeton, engineered by a 23-year-old Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. His son would go on to establish the Porsche company after World War II. In 1898, this electric vehicle boasted an electric-drive system weighing 286 pounds, delivering 5 horsepower and a top speed of 22 mph. While it may not seem more impressive than Morrison’s 1893 World’s Fair “car” on paper, it won a 25-mile race for electric vehicles at a Berlin exhibition on September 28, 1899.

On September 6, 1901, President William McKinley faced a tragic fate as he was assassinated while touring the Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo, New York. Following the attack, he was promptly rushed to the hospital in an electric-powered ambulance, much like the one depicted in this photograph. Interestingly, this particular ambulance recently gained recognition when it was featured in the HBO/Cinemax television series “The Knick,” set in a New York City hospital during the years 1900–1901.

Although President McKinley survived the initial gunshot, he tragically succumbed to gangrene that developed in the wound eight days later. It’s worth noting that the trip to the hospital was not McKinley’s first experience with motor vehicles. He had previously earned the distinction of being the first U.S. president to ride in an automobile when he took a demonstration ride in a Stanley Steamer. This distinction is sometimes attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, McKinley’s vice president and eventual successor, as TR was the first to publicly ride in an automobile, specifically a Columbia electric car in 1902. President McKinley’s ride in an electric ambulance, however, firmly establishes his place in history, whether in the context of electric vehicles or otherwise, as the first motorized president.

The 1923 Detroit Electric showcased impressive specs for its time, capable of reaching speeds of up to 25 mph with a range of 80 miles. However, by this point, the fate of early electric car companies, including Detroit Electric, was becoming increasingly uncertain. Detroit Electric, established in 1907, initially thrived and competed favorably against electric car manufacturers like Baker and Milburn, despite the latter two being more innovative in their approaches.

Electric cars enjoyed a niche market, especially in urban areas where their silent operation and user-friendly features appealed to many. Notably, a significant portion of electric car drivers were women who preferred not to deal with hand-cranking engines to start their vehicles. To cater to this affluent customer base, charging stations were set up in city shopping districts.

However, the widespread adoption of the Ford Model T posed a significant challenge to electric cars. The Model T was not only more affordable but also continuously decreasing in price. When it was first introduced in 1908, the Model T cost $850, whereas most electric cars were at least twice as expensive. By 1923, the Model T’s price had dropped to under $300, making it significantly more accessible. In contrast, many electric cars remained ten times as costly.

During the mid-1910s, Detroit Electric offered an upgraded battery pack, featuring Edison’s nickel-iron cells, which alone cost $600. Interestingly, Clara Ford, Henry Ford’s wife, who found her husband’s gasoline-powered cars dirty and noisy, opted for a series of Detroit Electrics from 1908 to 1914.

Ironically, it was an electric motor invention that posed a challenge to battery-powered cars and addressed Clara Ford’s objections. The electric starter, invented by Charles Kettering at Dayton Engineering and initially implemented in the 1912 Cadillac, eliminated the need for hand-cranking in gasoline cars, making them more convenient. While electric cars experienced a temporary boost during World War I due to rising gasoline prices and sporadic fuel availability, by the mid-1920s, Detroit Electric often used unsold bodies from previous years in its “new” cars. Nevertheless, the company managed to produce over 35,000 vehicles between 1907 and 1939.

Before World War II, gasoline emerged as the victor in the technology race, and as a result, most electric car manufacturers had either transitioned to internal combustion engines or ceased operations altogether. However, electric vehicles (EVs) continued to possess certain advantages, particularly for the low-speed, short-range applications commonly found in urban areas.

For instance, in Britain, a fleet of electric “milk floats” remained in operation for home delivery services well into the 1980s and beyond. Similarly, in postwar Japan, gasoline was both scarce and expensive. In response, the government actively promoted the production of electric cars, leading to the creation of the 1947 Tama, which is now part of the Nissan museum’s collection (the Tama company eventually evolved into Prince, which later became Datsun/Nissan).

The Tama electric car boasted a top speed of approximately 20 mph and a range of 40 miles, thanks to its lead-acid batteries. These specifications made it suitable for taxi services, reminiscent of the role electric cars had played in New York City half a century earlier.

You might be wondering, “Isn’t that a Renault Dauphine?” Well, yes, it does look like one, but it’s not. This is actually a Henney Kilowatt. The interest in electric cars never truly vanished, and the Henney Kilowatt was one of the outcomes of the belief that electric cars could be made to work. Henney, a custom coachwork company known for producing hearses, ambulances, and limousines, particularly for Packard, was exploring new business opportunities when Packard was in decline.

In 1953, Henney acquired Eureka Williams and later became part of a conglomerate called National Union Electric Co., which included companies like Emerson radio and Exide batteries. When a battery company and a coachwork manufacturer join forces, it’s not surprising that they decided to venture into electric car production.

Henney collaborated with scientists and engineers from Caltech to develop a speed controller and drive system. The first Henney Kilowatt, produced in 1959, featured a 36-volt system and could travel 40 miles at speeds of up to 40 mph. In 1960, an upgraded version with a 72-volt system was introduced, providing a more practical top speed of 60 mph and a range of 60 miles. It’s important to note that these Kilowatts were not converted French Renault cars; they were nearly identical to U.S.-built chassis, with bodies constructed by Henney.

However, what Henney lacked was an effective distribution network, robust sales channels, and a dealer system. While they manufactured around 100 chassis, only 47 complete cars were sold. The advertised price was $3600 (while a Dauphine was listed at $1645), but it appears that this pricing strategy was not profitable. Most of the sales were made to utility company fleets, and today, only a few Henney Kilowatts can be found in private collections.

General Motors continued its experimentation with electric cars, and the 1966 Electrovair II was one of the outcomes. There was an earlier version, the Electrovair from 1964, which was also based on the Corvair but didn’t meet expectations. So, GM decided to redesign it for the 1966 model year.

The 1966 Electrovair II was equipped with exotic silver-zinc batteries that provided a hefty 532 volts of power to a 115-hp AC induction drive motor. This was a significant advancement, and the setup generated power comparable to the Corvair’s flat-six engine in certain configurations, resulting in similar performance.

To accommodate the battery pack, it had to be placed in the front of the car, which changed the car’s weight distribution. The Electrovair II ended up weighing 800 pounds more than a standard Corvair. It could reach a top speed of 80 mph and had a range of approximately 40 to 80 miles. However, from a marketing perspective, the real challenge was that the batteries could only withstand 100 recharge cycles, and the battery pack itself cost a staggering $160,000! This cost was not adjusted for inflation; it was the actual price in 1966. As a result, only one Electrovair II was ever produced, and GM still retains ownership of it.

In 1965, during his testimony before a U.S. Senate committee, Ralph Nader asserted that electric cars held significant potential as a viable transportation option. He claimed to have knowledge of General Electric’s (GE) capabilities to develop an electric vehicle with a remarkable range of 200 miles on a single charge and a top speed of up to 80 mph. Nader also raised suspicions of GE potentially collaborating with the automotive and oil industries to suppress this technology.

Two years later, in 1967, General Electric demonstrated its electric vehicle capabilities with the Delta experimental electric car. Although the Delta was considered unattractive in appearance, it could reach a top speed of 55 mph and had a range of 40 miles, utilizing nickel-iron batteries. Around the same time, Ford also showcased an experimental electric car equipped with even more expensive nickel-cadmium batteries, but it did not outperform the Delta. It became evident to many that a significant breakthrough in battery technology was required to enhance various aspects of electric cars, including cost, recharge-cycle time, battery capacity, durability, range, and adaptability to extreme weather conditions.

When NASA tasked Boeing with the creation of a lunar vehicle, it was evident that an electric vehicle would be the most suitable choice for the airless lunar environment. General Motors’ Delco division played a crucial role as a major subcontractor responsible for the drive-control system and the motors used in the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). The LRV featured four direct current (DC) motors, with one positioned in each wheel. These motors had a power output of one-quarter horsepower each and could achieve speeds of up to 10,000 revolutions per minute (rpm).

A total of four LRVs were manufactured at a cost of $38 million, which represented a significant cost overrun of 100 percent compared to the original projection of $19 million. The LRV was a truly unique and exotic “car” primarily designed for lunar exploration. It made its debut during the Apollo 15 mission in 1971, utilizing non-rechargeable silver-zinc potassium hydroxide batteries with a rated capacity of 121 amp-hours. The vehicle’s steering, located at both axles, was also electrically powered and drew energy from the same batteries.

Constructed using aluminum tubes and designed to be foldable at its center for storage inside the Apollo lunar lander, the LRV weighed 460 pounds in Earth’s gravity without passengers. The astronauts’ space suits had to be adapted to allow them to sit comfortably within the vehicle.

While theoretically capable of reaching speeds of 8 mph, the cautious lunar surface conditions dictated a more conservative pace. During the Apollo 15 mission, the LRV covered approximately 17 miles over 3 hours, resulting in an average speed of less than 6 mph. On the final lunar mission, Apollo 17, the LRV traveled around 22 miles in total, with astronauts venturing nearly 5 miles away from their landing module.

The emergence of a market for electric cars marked a turning point, preventing us from labeling the earlier GE Delta as “unsellable,” despite its unattractive appearance. The shift in perspective came when OPEC imposed an oil embargo in 1973, causing per-barrel oil prices to quadruple overnight, reaching $12. Electric cars suddenly became a more appealing alternative. However, the prospect that we might all be driving vehicles similar to those produced by Sebring-Vanguard of Sebring, Florida, starting in 1974 was a concern for car enthusiasts.

The 1974 Citicar, often described as a glorified golf cart, featured two doors, two seats, a 2.5-horsepower DC motor from GE, and a 36-volt lead-acid battery system. Its top speed was approximately 25 mph, and its estimated range was 40 miles. As the years progressed, later models were equipped with a 48-volt battery pack, allowing the Citicar to reach nearly 40 mph.

Sebring-Vanguard manufactured around 2,300 of these distinctive wedge-shaped Citicars until 1977. Following this, the company was acquired by Commuter Vehicles, Inc., which rebranded the vehicle as the Comuta-Car. The Comuta-Car featured batteries integrated into its bumpers and a 6-horsepower motor. It was also produced in a postal delivery variant with right-hand drive, a sliding door, a 12-horsepower motor, a 72-volt battery pack, and a transmission with three speeds.

Collectively, Sebring-Vanguard and Commuter Vehicles produced a total of 4,444 units, making them the largest electric car manufacturer in America since the end of World War II. This distinction was upheld until 2013, marking a significant chapter in the history of electric vehicles in the United States.

In 1977, despite the Chevrolet Chevette’s lack of popularity, GM researchers embarked on an experiment to explore its potential when converted to electric propulsion. The result was the Electrovette, a project intended to feature the latest nickel-zinc batteries, although the prototypes utilized standard lead-acid batteries that were installed in place of the rear seat.

The Electrovette could travel up to 50 miles at a speed of 30 mph with the lead-acid batteries. However, it was anticipated that the newer nickel-zinc batteries would double this range. This ambitious project was influenced by projections from GM’s internal economists, who believed that gasoline prices could potentially reach $2.50 per gallon by 1980 (equivalent to about $8.99 today).

Extensive testing of the Electrovette took place over three years. However, when gasoline prices did not escalate to the projected levels, even during the second OPEC oil crisis in 1979, the project was ultimately shelved.

In 1996, prompted by a California mandate requiring automakers to sell a percentage of zero-emission vehicles (with only electric cars meeting the standard), General Motors took a different approach compared to retrofitting existing models like the Electrovair and Electrovette. Instead, GM aimed to establish itself as an industry leader in electric vehicles (EVs) with its Impact concept car, which later evolved into the production version known as the GM EV1.

The GM EV1 incorporated cutting-edge technology, with the exception of its use of lead-acid batteries, chosen for cost-effectiveness. GM invested significantly in advanced materials like alloys and magnesium, an innovative induction-charging system, and sophisticated electronics to efficiently manage the AC motor. The inverter, in particular, played a crucial role in converting DC battery power to AC for motor operation and back to DC during regeneration for recharging the batteries.

The EV1 was designed as a compact two-seater to optimize performance, but it faced challenges in a market dominated by large SUVs, and its adoption was limited. Approximately 800 units were leased in Los Angeles, Tucson, and Phoenix between 1996 and 2003, with the last cars manufactured in 1999.

Despite offering a nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) battery option that delivered the promised 70-to-160-mile range, the EV1 proved to be a costly venture for GM. Meanwhile, the California mandate was eventually lifted due to lobbying efforts by automakers, including GM. Furthermore, many automakers were not actively promoting electric cars at the time.

GM faced criticism for refusing to sell the cars to leaseholders and subsequently crushing most of them, which had a negative impact on the company’s public image. However, the technological insights gained from the EV1 project influenced the development of subsequent models, including the plug-in hybrid Chevrolet Volt and the fully electric Bolt.

In 1992, Alan Cocconi founded AC Propulsion in San Dimas, California, a company that played a pivotal role in advancing electric vehicle (EV) technology. Cocconi’s contributions were instrumental in making the GM Impact concept and subsequent EV1 function effectively, particularly his work on the inverter.

In 1997, AC Propulsion unveiled the tzero, a groundbreaking electric sports car. It boasted an impressive 150 kW (equivalent to 201 horsepower) power output and utilized lead-acid batteries from Johnson Controls Optima Yellow Tops. The car was built upon the existing Piontek Sportech fiberglass kit car chassis and body. However, this marked a transitional period when lithium-ion batteries were emerging as a viable alternative to lead-acid batteries, thanks in part to investments in battery research from both governments and industry.

Recognizing the potential of lithium-ion cells, Martin Eberhard, a co-founder of Tesla Motors, commissioned a modified tzero that incorporated these advanced batteries. The lithium-ion tzero was not only lighter but also had a higher energy density, enabling the sports car to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in an impressive 3.7 seconds, demonstrating that electric vehicles could be both high-performance and enjoyable. Although it was estimated to cost around $220,000, its capabilities generated significant interest.

However, when Cocconi and his partner Tom Gage at AC Propulsion hesitated to mass-produce the car, Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning decided to establish Tesla Motors in 2003. They used the lithium-ion tzero as a demonstration vehicle to pitch their electric vehicle concept to Silicon Valley investors. While there are differing accounts and legal disputes surrounding their interactions, Elon Musk, one of the potential investors, initially attempted to persuade AC Propulsion to commence production of the tzero, following Eberhard’s lead.

Instead, Tom Gage and AC Propulsion chose to focus on electric conversions for vehicles like the Scion xB (branded as the eBox) and pursued contract work, such as electrifying the Mini Cooper. Musk eventually invested his resources into Tesla Motors, and Eberhard’s vision gained momentum. This historical trajectory highlights the connection between the EV1, AC Propulsion, and the emergence of Tesla—a significant chapter in the history of electric vehicles that traverses the streets of San Dimas.

The Corbin Sparrow, introduced in 1999 by Mike Corbin, wasn’t a lightning-fast vehicle that could reach 60 mph in under four seconds. Mike Corbin, renowned for his motorcycle-seat manufacturing business, ventured into the world of electric vehicles with the Corbin Sparrow. This unique half-car, half-bike creation had a top speed of around 70 mph and a range of approximately 40 miles. It was primarily designed as a commuter vehicle, serving as a practical third-car option for short-distance travel. Think of it as a Citicar that could occasionally get you places, though not quite on the scale of what Tesla has achieved.

Unfortunately, Corbin Motors faced financial challenges, and the company filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2003. During its existence, fewer than 300 electric Sparrows were sold. Nevertheless, the concept of compact electric vehicles persisted, and the intellectual property associated with the Sparrow changed hands multiple times. Most recently, a company based in British Columbia called ElectraMeccanica Vehicles acquired the rights to this intellectual property. ElectraMeccanica introduced the Solo EV, a one-seat three-wheeler, and began deliveries in October 2021.

Tesla Motors embarked on its electric vehicle production journey in 2008, starting with the Roadster. The initial generation of the Tesla Roadster bore a resemblance to the AC Propulsion tzero, with some of the kit-car components replaced by parts from the Lotus Elise, a step up from kit-car status. While later Roadster models, such as the 2011 Roadster 2.5 pictured here, featured Tesla’s proprietary drivetrain technology, the first batch relied on a licensed AC Propulsion power system along with reductive charging systems.

Tesla achieved several notable milestones with the Roadster. It was the first production car to incorporate lithium-ion batteries, and it demonstrated a driving range of up to 200 miles (although this could vary depending on driving habits). The Roadster employed three-phase, four-pole AC induction motors, which gradually became more powerful as production continued through 2012. Despite its relatively high price, starting at $109,000 in 2010, Tesla managed to sell over 2400 units over the course of four years. This success played a significant role in shifting public perception of electric cars from the Citicar image to a more attractive and appealing alternative.

During the 2010s, major automakers approached electric vehicles much like the Smart Fortwo Electric Drive: by taking an existing gasoline-powered car, converting it to electric power, and calling it an electric vehicle (EV). This strategy wasn’t necessarily a poor choice at the time. The electric vehicle market was still relatively small, and designing a completely new electric car from the ground up was expensive. Additionally, gasoline prices remained reasonably affordable, and while Tesla was making waves, it had yet to turn a profit from its auto sales.

As a result, we saw vehicles like the Smart Fortwo Electric Drive and the Chevrolet Spark EV, which often provided a more enjoyable driving experience compared to their gasoline counterparts. The era also witnessed the rise of plug-in hybrids that were a step toward full electrification. During this period, lithium-ion batteries, like the ones used in the Smart Fortwo Electric Drive, saw a significant drop in cost, reducing to about one-quarter of their tzero-era prices. These batteries could charge quickly and were believed to be durable.

However, it would take further advancements in charging technology, cost reduction, and improvements in energy density for electric vehicles to truly compete head-to-head with internal combustion cars in terms of efficiency, cost, convenience, and performance.

Nissan was at the forefront among major automakers when it came to developing a dedicated platform for its battery-powered electric vehicle (EV). The Nissan Leaf made its debut as a 2011 model, featuring a 24.0-kilowatt-hour (kWh) lithium-ion battery pack positioned beneath the seats. The 2016 revision of the Leaf saw an upgrade to a 30.0-kWh battery pack while retaining the same compact space.

Manufactured in various locations worldwide, including Japan, the U.S., and Great Britain, the first-generation Leaf was a global offering with the capability to reach highway speeds. Over time, the Nissan Leaf claimed the title of the best-selling fully functional electric vehicle in history, achieving the milestone of over 300,000 total sales in January 2018. It’s important to note that while the Leaf held this distinction, it was later surpassed by the Tesla Model 3 in terms of sales. Despite stiff competition and the emergence of other impressive electric vehicles, the Nissan Leaf secured its legacy as the EV that made electric cars seem as ordinary as they did in their early days back in 1901.

History tends to be dominated by the successes, overshadowing the more prevalent instances of failure in the world of startup ventures. The automotive industry, in particular, has seen a number of promising but ultimately unsuccessful electric vehicle (EV) projects, including Coda, Aptera, and Byton. A notable case study in the realm of high-profile yet short-lived initiatives is Better Place.

The brainchild behind Better Place was Shai Agassi, who founded the company in 2009. Despite amassing over $850 million in investments, Better Place struggled to sustain its ambitious vision and folded in 2013. However, during its existence, the company made significant progress, securing support from Israel (where it was headquartered) and Denmark, forming a partnership with Renault that led to the creation of a car designed to accommodate its unique battery pack standards, exemplified by the Fluence Z.E. model pictured here. One of Better Place’s distinctive features was its business model, centered around standardized battery packs that could be swiftly exchanged rather than recharged onboard—a concept reminiscent of early 1900s practices, particularly the electric cabs in New York.

Agassi possessed a remarkable ability to promote his vision but also had a talent for alienating other automakers. The cooperation of these manufacturers in building EV battery packs to meet Better Place’s specifications was vital to the company’s long-term strategy. Unfortunately, despite setting up battery-swap recharging stations along roadsides, the company faced the challenge that very few people were buying their vehicles. In the end, there were reportedly fewer than 1,500 Renault Fluences sold under the Better Place initiative. Nevertheless, the electric car industry now has its own set of contemporary tales of rise and fall, akin to the notable adventures of Tucker, DeLorean, and Bricklin in the past.

In 2012, Tesla introduced the Model S, a groundbreaking electric car that not only redefined the desirability of electric vehicles but also earned a spot on our prestigious 10Best Cars lists for 2015 and 2016. The Model S stands out as both a luxurious large car and a high-performance vehicle.

By 2017, various versions of the Model S boasted an impressive range of over 300 miles on a single charge. Additionally, Tesla embarked on a rapid expansion of its Supercharger network, significantly improving the practicality and convenience of owning an electric vehicle, particularly a Tesla.

While the Tesla Model S introduced electric vehicles to the public with its luxurious design and futuristic features, the 2017 Chevrolet Bolt took a significant step in making electric cars accessible to a broader audience. It offered a range of over 200 miles on a single charge at a price point that was below the average for all new-car sales. General Motors leveraged its prior experience with the EV1 and the Volt plug-in hybrid to equip the Bolt with a liquid-cooled, 60.0-kWh lithium-ion battery pack and a robust electric motor, putting an end to the comparisons with “golf carts.” In our testing, the Bolt accelerated from zero to 60 mph in just 6.5 seconds, and it boasted an EPA-rated range of 238 miles for the 2017 model, a figure that we confirmed as achievable. The Bolt not only demonstrated its capability as a daily driver but also positioned itself as a viable replacement for an internal-combustion vehicle. Its excellence was underscored by its inclusion on Car and Driver’s 10Best Cars list for 2017.

After being pre-empted in the affordable long-range electric vehicle (EV) market by Chevrolet, Tesla unveiled its Model 3 in late 2017. This compact electric sedan aimed to offer a starting price of less than $40,000 and, with the right configuration, provide over 300 miles of driving range. However, it’s important to note that the initial base price increased over time.

The Rivian R1T made history as the first electric truck to hit consumer driveways, with deliveries starting in the fall of 2021. Priced at around $80,000, the R1T is exceptionally quick, boasting four electric motors producing 835 horsepower and enabling it to reach 60 mph in just 3.3 seconds. It’s also capable of handling rugged off-road trails and offers an impressive 314 miles of range according to EPA ratings, thanks to its 128.9-kWh battery.

General Motors, for its part, resurrected the Hummer nameplate for its entry into the electric truck market. The Hummer EV, a model within the GMC brand, comes equipped with a tri-motor setup delivering 1000 horsepower. Surprisingly agile for its hefty 9640-pound weight, it can reach 60 mph in the same 3.3 seconds as the Rivian R1T. The Hummer EV offers a substantial 329 miles of range on a single charge, thanks to its massive 212.7-kWh battery. However, it’s more focused on creating attention-grabbing videos than on being a traditional work-site workhorse, with a starting price of $106,645.

In contrast, the Ford F-150 Lightning, which arrived in 2022, is designed for more typical truck duties while running on electric power. Priced starting in the low-$40,000 range, the Lightning maintains the classic F-150 appearance, features a spacious bed, and boasts a towing capacity of up to 10,000 pounds. Its range varies from 230 to 320 miles depending on the trim level.

Several other electric trucks are on the horizon. Chevrolet plans to introduce its Silverado EV in 2023, followed shortly by a GMC Sierra EV. Ram has also committed to launching an electric truck in 2024.

Notably, the Tesla Cybertruck with its distinctive wedge design and an estimated range of 500 miles remains in development, although it has faced delays. Additionally, numerous startups have promised electric trucks, but many have yet to produce a production-ready vehicle.

Range anxiety, the concern that an electric vehicle will run out of charge before reaching a charging station, has historically deterred some consumers from embracing electric cars. Although many new electric vehicles offer ranges of at least 200 miles, with several surpassing 300 miles, some buyers still desire a larger safety margin and the ability to embark on lengthy road trips in their EVs.

California-based startup Lucid Motors has made significant strides in addressing range anxiety with its Air sedan. Lucid began delivering the Air to customers in the fall of 2021, and the Dream Edition Range model, the brand’s top-tier offering, boasts an impressive EPA-rated range of 520 miles. This milestone marked the first time an electric vehicle surpassed the 500-mile range barrier.

Rimac, founded in Croatia in 2009 by Mate Rimac, has emerged as a leading player in electric motor and battery technology. The company’s debut supercar, the Concept One, boasted an astonishing 1200+ horsepower and could accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in under 2.5 seconds. Production of the Concept One began in 2013, and only eight units were built.

Rimac’s second offering, the Nevera, which packs a staggering 1877 horsepower, started reaching customers in 2022. Rimac claims that the Nevera can sprint to 60 mph in an astonishing 1.9 seconds.

Rimac isn’t the sole player in the electric hypercar arena. Lotus, known for its lightweight and nimble sports cars, introduced the Evija electric supercar, featuring a quad-motor setup delivering 1972 horsepower. Remarkably, despite being considered heavy for a Lotus at 3700 pounds, it’s quite light for an electric vehicle.

Several other electric supercars are also in development. The second-generation Tesla Roadster, unveiled in 2017, has made bold performance claims, as has the 1100-horsepower Hispano Suiza Carmen, a revival of a pre-war Spanish automaker with a distinctive appearance. Additionally, the 1877-horsepower Pininfarina Battista is making waves in the electric supercar scene. This is just the tip of the iceberg, as numerous track-focused supercars have been announced and are expected to hit the market in the coming years.

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